This documentary is about the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in Parkland, Florida that took 17 lives and the untold stories surrounding that horrific event. This story is not just about the moments during the shooting but what took place after for those who lost their sons, daughters, friends, and spouses. It is a personal look at the emotional damage from the shooting itself and the healing process that takes place after.
Stop The Bleed is Emily Evan Rae's first feature length documentary. She was drawn to tell these stories because of her personal connection to Parkland, the issue, and her generational contemporaries who were affected. Emily was born and raised in Parkland Florida and after the shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School she felt a need to give a voice to the family, friends, and community who were affected most.
about the
about the director
where to watch